

Engineering is for women


engenheiras por um dia 2019

Ana Marta Martins, student of the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering at NOVA School of Science and Technology, was the most recent ambassador of “Engenheiras por um dia” (Female Engineer for a day).

On December 2nd, the mechanics student was at the Augusto Cabrita High School in Barreiro, explaining to more than 30 female students from 9th to 11th grade, why she chose to be an engineer. Ana Marta Martins, who until the 12th grade had never heard of this career, was convinced after hearing a student from the NOVA School of Science and Technology explain the various opportunities in this area. Now it's the college student's turn to help high school students learn about the careers in engineering.

“I was convinced to follow medicine, but I think biomedical is the area that interests me the most,” explained one of Barreiro's students after the presentation.

Ana Marta Martins also had the opportunity to make two demonstrations to the auditorium. With the "Mechanical Arm", the students learned how a machine moves with the movement of water. In the "Bitalino" experiment, they saw a device that can make an electrocardiogram.

The NOVA School of Science and Technology participates once more in the project "Engenheiras por um Dia", now in the third edition, integrated in the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination "Portugal +Igual" which aims to sensitize girls to the fields of technology and engineering in order to combat occupational segregation by gender and to promote these areas among high school students.