

FCT NOVA at the Lisbon Urban Data Laboratory


Diretor da FCT NOVA na assinatura do protocolo

The protocol for the creation of the  "Laboratório de Dados Urbanos de Lisboa"          ( Lisbon Urban Data Laboratory ) was signed  between the Lisbon City Council and several universities, including FCT NOVA, on May 17 2019.

This Laboratory will allow to better understand the reality of the county, to help to optimize the management of resources and to open opportunities for academic studies.

For Fernando Medina, this protocol "will give us the opportunity to put some of the best institutions in the country to help us to achieve what we can not do, to work on the immense data that we already have, making it possible to better understand the reality and to draw new and better orientations for the city ".

The signing of the protocol was attended by the FCT NOVA Dean, Virgílio Cruz Machado, the NOVA LINCS Director, Luís Caires and João Moura Pires, researcher of the NOVA LINCS Knowledge-based Systems group, local coordinator of the initiative from FCT NOVA . "The collaborative structure will allow, in a short time, to boost the enormous volume of data available to the Autarchy in innovative projects with an impact on the daily lives of citizens and raise new challenges for innovation and research in data science and engineering"

This Laboratory has also the participation of NOVA SBE, NOVA IMS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, ISCTE, Catholic University, ISEL and the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering.



"Universidades vão ajudar Câmara de Lisboa no tratamento de dados sobre a cidade" (Diário de Notícias)