

More than 2000 pre-university students visit this school year the FCT NOVA Department of Chemistry


joao sotomayor in demonstrations at the chemistry department

In the last weeks, more than 980 secondary school students have passed through the laboratories and classrooms of the Chemistry Department of FCT NOVA, under the Protocol with Secondary Schools program and Protocol with the Education School, in addition to the contacts requested through the Program “Vem Ver”.

There were 160 students of the 10th grade, 180 students of the 11th grade and 580 students of the 12th grade, part of a total of more than 2200 visits with experimental work held in the laboratories of the Department of Chemistry throughout this school year, involving 15 teachers and 4 laboratory technicians. About 60 of these students with backgrounds as diverse as Romania and Hungary were led by Professors João Sotomayor and Jorge Lampreia in what is to be a chemist and to be a student of this Faculty. Experiments, demonstrations and a teacher who does not leave an unanswered question left students enthusiastic about a future in science or engineering across borders.

In the photos, students from the Liceul Tehnologic Kos Karoly school of the city Miercurea Ciuc, Romania, after producing in the laboratory some polyurethane polymers.