

Emanuel Carlos, PhD student at FCT NOVA, won Best Poster Award at innoLAE


Emanuel Carlos

The poster with the title “Ultrafast photonic curing of solution-based aluminium oxide for thin film transistors” by Emanuel Carlos, PhD student at FCT NOVA- CENIMAT, Won the Best Poster Award in the innoLAE  (Innovations in Large-Area Electronics) in 22nd January of 2019 in Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Solution processing of amorphous metal oxides using excimer laser annealing (ELA) has been lately used as a viable option to implement large-area electronics, offering high quality materials at a reduced associated cost and process time. With this work we study amorphous aluminum oxide (AlOx) thin films produced at low temperature combining combustion synthesis and photonic curing for oxide thin film transistors (TFTs) suitable for the manufacturing of flexible electronics in industry.

The innoLAE 2019 received record response to the call for papers, resulting in 50 posters on display. In the end the outstanding work of Emanuel Carlos received the highest honours winning Best Poster Award.

InnoLAE conference showcases, since 2015, the latest results from the UK research community, as well as the latest developments from the manufacturers, integrator and users worldwide.


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