

Book launch "FCTVIVA - Biodiversidade no Campus " - December 6


Book launch "FCTVIVA - Biodiversidade no Campus " - December 6

The launch of the book "FCTVIVA - Biodiversidade no Campus", authored by Professor Rosa Paiva (Coordinator) and Mónica Almeida , will take place next Wednesday, December 6, at 2:30 p.m., in the Library Auditorium, after which a guided visit to the pond (behind the Library)will take place, pond with the same authorship of the mentioned book.

The FCTVIVA Project aims to raise awareness of biodiversity on the Faculty campus. The most common species of plants (trees, shrubs, lichens) vertebrates and invertebrates on campus have been identified and will also appear shortly on a website.

This book is a remarkable record of the biodiversity of our campus, within the framework of the FCTVIVA Project, a project that is another element that differentiates our Faculty and which already has two excellent initiatives.