The FCT NOVA Professors Isabel and José Moura and the Researchers Sofia Pauleta and Luísa Maia, the UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, FCT NOVA Chemistry Department, published a book of the Royal Society of Chemistry. The work, entitled "Metalloenzymes in Denitrification: Applications and Environmental Impacts" belongs to the series "Metallobiology Series" of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, and will be published during the month of October.
A comprehensive and unified picture of the denitrification process is presented and discussed by recognised specialists in the field. An important topic in many biological, environmental and agricultural contexts, this book will aid teaching and help bioinorganic chemists and biotechnologists gain an up-to-date picture of the science behind the denitrification process.
The book covers the key metalloenzymes, including their structures, functions and mechanisms. It also explains novel methodologies for monitoring denitrification in vivo, biotechnological methods for water treatment, and modelling and mitigating negative environmental impacts of denitrification.