

Professor Elvira Fortunato, FCT NOVA, takes office as member of the National Council Orders


Professor Elvira Fortunato, FCT NOVA, takes office as member of the National Cou

In a ceremony held on June 9th at the Belém Palace, the Portuguese President nominated the members of the three Councils of the Orders, including the Ancient Military Orders Council, the National Orders Council and the Civil Merit Orders Council, having Prof. E. Fortunato sworn as member of the National Orders Council.

For members of the National Orders Council, on a proposal from the Chancellor Dr. Maria Manuela Dias Ferreira Leite, took possession Dra. Isabel Maria de Vasconcelos Lucena Cruz de Almeida Mota, Dr. José Albino da Silva Peneda, Professor Manuel António Garcia Braga da Cruz, Dr. António José de Castro Bagão Félix, Dr. Carlos Morais Beato and Dr. Professor Elvira Maria Correia Fortunato.

The Councils of the Orders are chaired by its Chancellor and its members are appointed from the United Croce, Great Officers and Commanders of the respective orders. The Councils of Orders give an opinion on the proposals and requests of orders attribution and propose, in accordance with the law, the award of their orders.