

FCT NOVA signs partnership with the renowned "Nature Publishing Group"


FCT NOVA signs partnership with the renowned "Nature Publishing Group"

Last April 15th at 10 am that FCT NOVA (represented by NovaId) signed  a partnership agreement with the "Nature Publishing Group"in the management of a new scientific journal of the group entitled "NPJ 2D Materials and Applications."

The main objective of this new publication is to cover a gap in the group's publications in the area of materials potential and devices at nano-dimensional scale.

The relevance of this partnership lies in the fact that it is the first time that a Portuguese institution is invited to such a partnership with the "Nature Publishing Group", thus recognizing the scientific skills and available techniquesat FCT NOVA Campus in the area of advanced multifunctional nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The agreement is also signed by Uninova - Development Institute of New Technologies and the CENIMAT / I3N, in addition to the E-MRS (European Materials Research Society).


In addition to the members of the "Nature Publishing Group", it are also part of tis partnership’s administration, Professors Fernando Pires Santana, Rodrigo Martins and Christs Tokhamanis, former head of unit at the European Commission’s "DG Research and Innovation" and current advisor to the Director General in the same Directorate-General.