In the framework of the Seminars Program of the curricular unit “Socio-Professional Aspects of Informatics”, next 5th of May at 5 pm in the Auditorium CGD, the Information Technology Department promotes the Seminar: "Citizenship and new technologies: paradigm shift or complete disorientation?" , by António Vitorino.
It is an ever present and relevant topic which recent news brought again to the fore a discussion that already has a long history:
1) What is the copy and property policy in the EU?
2) What are the citizens' rights (and duties) for his data protection?
3) What is the EU position on the right of users to code his data with strong keys, thus preventing others from accessing them without warrants and being the key provided by the user?
4) Location and jurisdiction of data services in the "Cloud": what is the situation in the EU? What is the law, and what are the open issues?
Mr Vitorino has been directly involved in the discussion of these issues, both at national as at international level.
These and other topics are part of the intervention of the former Minister and European Commissioner at FCT NOVA in a presentation followed by questions and answers.