

Project developed at FCT NOVA finalist of the “Prémio Nova Geração” Contest


Project developed at FCT NOVA, Electrotechnical Engineering Department, amongst

A project developed in the area of industrial automation and control, Electrotechnical Engineering Department, has been chosen as one of the five finalists to contest for the first place of Siemens’ “Prémio Nova Geração” initiative.

The project is named “Sistema Híbrido de Automação Distribuída” and was conceptualized by the team of students André Quintanova, Vasco Brito and Professor Luis Brito Palma.

This event is scheduled to occur in March 9 and the jury will be composed by members of Siemens, Cadflow, CIP, COTEC and a member of the “Ordem dos Engenheiros”.

The first edition of “Prémio Nova Geração” launched by Siemens, holds the main objective of distinguishing the best proposals that contribute for the modernization of the National Industrial Scene.