

FCT NOVA Entrepreneurship Finale Section


FCT NOVA Entrepreneurship Finale Section

FCT NOVA Entrepreneurship Finale Section Program, it will be held February 19th, Friday, 9:30am at the FCT Grande Auditorium.

The Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia, From the Nova University of Lisbon, includes, for 4 years, a mandatory course in entrepreneurship for students of the 4th year of the Integrated Master course and the 1st year of 2nd cycle, covering about 1,000 students per year.

This course is a five weeks full regime, between January and February, with the students to develop and present an idea in the elevator pitch to a panel of researchers.


09:00 Reception
09H30 Opening
09h45 Presentation of finalists
11.45am Presentation of projects (slide show)
12:00 Comments:
           Miguel Cruz (President of IAPMEI)
           Miguel Muñoz Duarte (CEO iMatch)
           Pedro Rocha Vieira (CEO of Beta-i)
12.30 Awards Ceremony
12.45 Closing


Entrepreneurship Finale Section Program