FCT NOVA Master and PhD students, from the research centers REQUIMTE-LAQv and REQUIMTE-UCIBIO, have been highlighted with the prize for best poster and best oral presentations, shot guns, at the International Congresses ProteoMass.
Scientific presented works were chosen by panels of scientists Plenary of each conference, including:
2nd ICAP 2015 (www.icap2015.com) - Mr. José Eduardo Araujo (Best Poster Presentation) PhD Student;
1st PTIM 2015 (http://www.pti2015.com/) - Mr. Adrián Fernandez-Lodeiro ( Best Shot Gun Presentation-ex aequo) PhD Student and Ms. Jamila Djafari ( Best Poster Presentation ) PhD Student;
1st IC3TC 2015 (http://www.ic3tc2015.com/) - Ms. Susana Jorge (Best Shot Gun Presentation-ex aequo) PhD Student; Ms. Marta Silva (Best Shot Gun Presentation-ex aequo) Master Student; Mr. Nuno Morais ( Best Poster Presentation-ex aequo) Master Student and Mr. José Eduardo Araujo (Best Poster Presentation-ex aequo) PhD Student.