

International workshop "Bringing Entrepreneurship to the University"


International workshop "Bringing Entrepreneurship to the University"

The UNIDEMI as coordinator entity of the Startup Europe's project H2020 DIGISTART, connected to digital entrepreneurship, organizes on 22nd October, 15.30 to 18.30 pm, in the FCT NOVA Campus, the International Workshop "Bringing Entrepreneurship to the University ".

This Workshop will take place at the end of the ICT 2015 event, held in Lisbon, taking advantage of the presence of some recognized speakers in the Digital Entrepreneurship area and bringing them to the FCT NOVA. The objective is to place teachers, researchers and students discussing practical measures for the development of an entrepreneurship culture in the University.

Experiences of other successful universities will be shared and the program will include recognized speakers in the area. The presentations also addressed the global picture of how Universities worldwide have evolved to embrace the Digital Entrepreneurship.

More information at: