FCT NOVA will perform its 38th Anniversary Commemorative Session next 11th of November at 15:00 in the CGD Auditorium (Campus de Caparica).
Commemorative session
15:00 Performance of the Academic Tunas anTUNiA and TunaMaria
15:15 FCT NOVA Moments 2014/2015
15:30 Because I preferred FCT NOVA?
Student who joined the Faculty in the academic year 2015/16, with the highest rating
Carolina Gaspar Crespo (Degree in Mathematics)
15:35 Why was it worth to prefer FCT NOVA?
Former Student Eng. Mario Figueira
Novabase Business Solutions, SA Administrator
15:40 FCT NOVA 2014/15 Highlights
16:00 Interventions
• AEFCT President
• A3FCT President
• FCT NOVA’s Dean
• Faculty’s Chairman
• NOVA’s Rector
16:30 Musical Moment "Pedro Jóia - De Armandinho a Paredes"
16:50 Retired TeachersAgreements Signature
17:00 School Awards Ceremony
17:30 Commemorative plaque delivery to Academic and Non-academic Staff
completing 30 years of service at FCT
17:45 Port of Honor (FCT Library)