

FROM GENETICS TO BIOETHICS - The life and work of Father Luis Archer, SJ


FROM GENETICS TO BIOETHICS - The life and work of Father Luis Archer, SJ

On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the death of Father Luis Archer (1926-2011), FCT NOVA distinguished Professor, the first volume of his “Selected Works” will be launched at the conference "From Genetics to Bioethics: Life and work of Father Luis Archer SJ (1926-2011)".

The conference will take place on Thursday, 8th October 2015 at the headquarters of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, free entry.  

Organizing committee

Francisco Malta Romeiras, CIUHCT, ULisboa
Henrique Leitão, CIUHCT, ULisboa
Grace Fialho, BioISI, ULisboa
António Júlio Trigueiros, SJ, Brotéria magazine
António Vaz Pinto, SJ, Brotéria magazine

