

Departments of FCT NOVA welcome new students


Departments of FCT NOVA welcome new students


Environmental Engineering

September 17 | 13H30

13.30 Reception for new students (room 105)
14:00 Peddy paper

• Activity of observation and identification of water samples with different substances (shellfish broth, rose water, bleach, clay, iron).

  (Chemical Analysis Laboratory 245)

• Conducting a Jartest and analysis procedure for waste reception situation in landfills. Observation of various waste and results of their valuation.

  (Waste Lab 243)

• Monitor the functioning of the flume and water hammer.

  (Hydraulic Laboratory)

• Introduction to environmental management and fulfillment Minister simulation game for a day.

   (DCEA the boardroom)

• Observation of thematic maps and explanation of the importance of spatial planning.

   (Spatial Planning Room 105)

16.15 Snack and closing

Conservation and Restoration

14 to 18 September

September 14
10H00 Welcome by DCR President
10H30 "The DCR and its mission - LCR, MCR and Doctoral Program," Presentation of the Week activities
11H00 Presentation of students of 1st year
14H00 visits to laboratories NDCR

September 15
10H00 Visits to DCR laboratories
14H00 What I saw in the labs, what I see in this object, Store in XXI century is...
Draw students per lab & coffee break

September 16
09H00 Guided tour of the Library
10H00 Session welcomed by the Rector of the UNL and the Director of FCT

September 17
09H00 Presentation of all curricular units
11H00 Information meeting by the Deputy Director, Professor Jorge Lampreia and Head of Academic Division, Dr. Isabel Sequeira Pinto

September 18
09H00 Students are presented in the laboratories



September 17 I 14H30 I Room 1:15 Building VII

14H30 Welcome

            Degree of performance in Mathematics

            Information cycles of DM studies

            Information on activities of the DM

15H00 "ECTS" - Lecture by Prof. Luís Trabucho
16H00 Coffee break
16H30 Visit to the laboratories.


Biochemistry, Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry

September 17 I 15H00 I Room 2.2 Departmental Building

Reception for New Students
Show "Magic of Chemistry"

The first 3 winning teams will receive a prize


Civil Engineering

September 18 I 10H00

Reception for New Students (Meeting point: Building entrance IX)


Computer Engineering

September 18 I 10H00 I Amphitheatre 1D Building VII

Welcome reception for New Students

10H15 What is MIEI!

10H25 Presentation of works by students of MIEI

10H40 The disciplines of the 1st Semester

10H55 How to get live Christmas and with good grades!

11H10 am Students from the Educational Commission of MIEI

11H15 am Information Technology Center
11H20 am Photo class group MIEI 2015/2020 (for later recall!)


Cellular and Molecular Biology

September 18 I 10H00 - 12H00 I Room 2.2 Departmental Building

Welcome reception for new students by teachers, Pedagogical Committee, Center for LBCM.

Visit of the Department


Electrical and Computer Engineering

September 17 I 12H00 I Amphitheatre 1B Building VII

 Welcome reception for new students

Engineering Physics and Biomedical Engineering

September 17 I 10H00 I Auditorium Manuel Laranjeira

Reception for New Students (Chairman of the Department, Professor José Paulo Santos, Mief Coordinator, Professor Isabel Catarino; MIEB Coordinator, Carla Quintão teacher)

11H00 nucellus of MIEF and MIEB - Peddy-Paper

Visit the Department of Physics and the FCT / UNL

12H30 Lunch


Geological Engineering

September 18 I Rooms 335 and 336 of the DCT

10H00 Reception (LEG CP Students)
10H15 Welcome students (President of DCT, Professor José Carlos Kullberg)
10H30 Presentation of the LEG Coordinator, LEG, CC from LEG and from CP from LEG
10H45 Presentation of the Degree in Geological Engineering (Professor Paulo Caetano)
11H00 am Visit to the DCT laboratories
11H30 Snack


Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering

September 18 I 11H00 I Rooms 3.8

Welcome to new students MIEM and MIEGI!


Materials Engineering and Micro and Nanotecnolgias Engineering

September 17

09H30 Meeting at the amphitheater Leopoldo Guimarães in CENIMAT

10H00 Snack

10H30 Visit to the laboratories