

Manuscript of the Secret of Fatima analyzed at the Center for Atomic Physics, FCT-UNL


Quoted in a press release, the director of the Department of Research and Dissemination of Fatima Shrine, Daniel Marco Duarte, said that "through a partnership with the Center for Atomic Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in whose laboratories the manuscript of the third part of the Secret of Fatima been two days, 3 and4 of November, the document was analyzed with non-invasive scientific equipment. "

According to Maria Luisa Carvalho, scientific coordinator of the project, the aim of this work is "aimed at" the characterization of paper and ink", for the first time, and "the results will be compared with those of other contemporary documents, obtained by same technique, written by Sister Lucia before and after the writing of this document for certification. "this study also includes the analysis of the documents of the first and second part of the Secret of Fatima, whose manuscripts are owned by the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima and , following an agreement signed in October, are in the custody of the Shrine of Fatima.

The team was composed by the following professors of the Department of Physics and members of the Center for Atomic Physics: Maria Luisa Carvalho, Marta Manso, Pessanha Sofia, Mauro Guerra, Mario Costa and José Paulo Santos.



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