We intend to admit a candidate with prior research work on topics related to lifelong education, organization of educational systems and educational policies. Candidates must also provide expertise and experience in the following areas: educational research projects in teams, preferably funded by external entities; national and international scientific publications; promotion of meetings and research seminars.
Work plan: Participation in teaching activities in the framework of the Doctoral Program in Education and of the Master in Education;Development of educational research on topics related to lifelong education, educational policy and organization of educational systems;Promotion of seminars and scientific meetings for master and doctoral students;Presentations at conferences, writing articles and / or book chapters, and other national and international scientific publications;Supporting the work needed for applying for funded research projects.
Legislation and regulations: Law No. 40/2004, of August 18 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow); Regulation Research Grant from FCT / UNL, approved by Order of the President of the Governing Council of the FCT / MEC 13/11/2012.
Workplace: The work will be developed in the Department of Applied Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon, under the scientific supervision of Mariana Gaio Alves.
Duration of the scholarship: The scholarship will last for 3 months, it will begin on October 1st, 2014 and it may be extended for successive periods of one year up to a maximum of six years.
Value of the monthly maintenance payment: € 1,495.00 according to the value table approved by Order nr. 7/2013 of the Director of FCT / UNL.
Methods of selection: The selection method that will be used is the curriculum evaluation and personal interview, based on the following criteria: 5 values to previous participation in teaching and supervision of students at master and doctoral level (25%), 8 values to previous research in the areas highlighted in the announcement demonstrated in national and international publications and other research products (40%), 5 values to prior experience in participating in team projects of research and promotion of meetings and research seminars (25% ) and 2 values to the interview (10%).
Jury Selection: Professor Maria Paula Diogo (jury chairman), Professor António Domingos, Professor Mariana Gaio Alves (permanent members) and Professor João Correia de Freitas (alternate member).
Form of disclosure / notification of results: The final evaluation results will be made public, ordered by final grade obtained and posted in a visible and public space at VII Building, 2nd floor, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in Monte da Caparica, being that the candidate approved will be notified via email and by registered letter.
Deadline for application form and submission of applications: The contest is open for the period of 15 days beginning on June, 16th and ending the June 30th, 2014.
Applications must be formalized, mandatorily, by sending a letter of application accompanied by the following documents: Curriculum Vitae and Certificates of Achievements.
Applications must be delivered personally during the period 10h00-12h00 and 14h00-16h00 at the DCSA secretariat or sent by post to the following address: DCSA, FCT / UNL, Campus da Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica. Applications may also be sent by email to the following address: dcsa.secretariado@fct.unl.pt; uied.secretariado@fct.unl.pt