

Course “Is CPLEX like a box of chocolates?” - 23 May 2014 at FCT


This course organized by Professor Maria Isabel Gomes from the Department of Mathematics, is organized jointly by the “Centre for Mathematics and its Applications” and “APDIO”. It will be taught by Ricardo M. Lima, currently Marie Curie Fellow at the Portuguese National Laboratory of Energy and Geology. The course will take place on 23th May at the Faculty of Science and Technology (UNL) in the following schedule: 14:00 to 14:30 Reception, 14:30 to 16:30 Course - Part I 16: 30 - 17:00 Coffee break, 17:00 to 18:00 Course - part II. Being a jointly organization of the “Centre for Mathematics and its Applications” and “APDIO”, the cost of participation is € 7 for APDIO members and 10 € for non-members. Entries must be made by completing the attached form and sent to the email address (Isabel Gomes). Please make your payment ​​by bank transfer to the account indicated on the attached registration form. The proof of transfer, with the participant’s name and APDIO’s membership number should be sent to the same email address ( to issue the corresponding receipt.