

7th National Meeting of Biochemistry Students


The VII ENEBIOQ will include lectures presented by speakers from several research centers, not only from Portugal but also from abroad such as Tiago Fleming Outeiro (University Medical Center Gӧttingen), Philipp Selenko (Leibniz-Institut fÜr Molekulare Pharmakologie) and Hugo Macedo (Imperial College London). Companies like Bial, Hovione and Nzytech will also be apart of this event and several more in a Jobshop. Additionally, there are going to be two competitions, a poster session and an innovation prize with very attractive prizes.

Moreover, you can be delighted by two dinners, one being an informal event and other which will commemorate the 10th anniversary of Biochemistry at FCT/UNL.

To obtain more information you can visit the website and also visit the facebook page

Any questions do not hesitate to contact