

FCT-UNL teachers with work on the cover of "Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences"


Professor Carlos Lodeiro and Researcher Elisabete Oliveira, both teachers and researchers from the Department of Chemistry at FCT-UNL,saw the research work of the research group Bioscope, in collaboration with a group from the Chemistry Department of the University of Minho, recently highlighted on March cover of "Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences",  magazine published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The result of this research aims the importance of chemistry in the synthesis of new smart materials that change their appearance by environmental stimuli. The magazine cover shows the molecules target of the study and the colour changes observed with the polarity of the surroundings with orange, yellow, purple, green, blue, red even with colourless. More information at:!issueid=pp013003&type=current&issnprint=1474-905x