

Seminar: Statistical Model for Electromyography Onset


The student Tiago Sergio Araujo present´s in Seminar Room DF, on Monday, October 7th, two lectures in the doctoral program in Biomedical Engineering, one at 16:30 in the context of UC Seminar , for another presentation of his plan doctorate, 17:30


The muscle activation study has proven to be a key element in the comprehension of themotor strategies underlying human kinetics.

Electromyography (EMG) has been widely selected in the investigation of these strategies. The evaluation of the motor recruitment desirable changes in the rehabilitation process is usually based on subjective parameters of hard quantification. This motivates several researchers to develop methodologies for real time visualization and identification of the muscle activation instants.


 In thiscontext a new methodology is proposed for the identification of the muscle onset with activation slopeextraction. The onset and slope measuring of EMG activity enables the motor strategies andphysiological information, namely for fatigue detection and analysis. In order to validate and evaluateits operational performance, this methodology was tested in synthetic and acquired EMG signals. The synthetic signals were modulated with autoregressive parameters extracted from a real electromyography signal. Thealgorithm revealed high immunity to noise and to morphological signal modifications. Themethodology was implemented in a real time context, to test its applicability in a rehabilitationapplication, based on EMG biofeedback.