

2013 Molybdenum & Tungsten Enzymes Conference, Hotel Tivoli SINTRA, 16-19 Julho 2013


The meeting is hosted by researchers of our Faculty, from the Chemistry Department, Professors Isabel Moura, José Moura (Chair) and Maria João Romão, and Doctors Catarina Coelho, Pablo Gonzalez, Luisa Maia, Gabriela Rivas and Teresa Santos-Silva. Circa 100 world wide specialists will attend. The first meeting, focusing on the Biology and Biochemistry of molybdenum, was organized by Robert C. Bray and Russ Hille, on April 12-14 1997, at the University of Sussex, as a satellite meeting of the annual meeting of Biochemical Society of the United Kingdom that year. The meeting was enthusiastically received by the participants and it became clear that the community was large enough to sustain a meeting of its own. Subsequent discussion among workers in the field led to the suggestion of creating a "Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzymes Conference" to be held every other year (first within the frame of the Gordon Research Conferences and, since 2011, as an independent meeting).