

Palestra Natural Disasters: Understanding the Science and the Risks


A show case of one of the most popular courses  at San Diego University in Califórnia – Natural Disasters. This talk  will examine how natural processes and  their energy  release, involving land, water, sky, and space, impact humans, often with tremendous deaths tolls. Who gets affected? Why? Where… Students learn to appreciate Earth´s processes and how we are powerless in the face of this energy release.

This talk provides an overview of how using natural disasters works really well in teaching earth science at the undergraduate level.

14:00 Natural Disasters: Understanding the Science and Risks 

Isabel Sacramento Grilo, San Diego State University

15:00 Hipóteses sobre a fonte sismogenética e tsunamigénica do sismo de 1755 

José Carlos Kullberg, Dep de Ciências da Terra FCT/UNL

15:40 Debate 

Moderador: Paulo Legoinha, Dep de Ciências da Terra FCT/UNL