

CC2013: "The Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing"


The organization invites you to submit an Abstract to the Special Session S17 -"Railway Research: Vehicle Track Dynamic Analysis and Related Environmental Problems". We kindly ask you to submit the abstract via the conference website. In the Submission Process do not forget to indicate that the paper is for this session.

After the conference, authors may submit extended and improved versions of their papers for review and possible publication in the International Journal of Railway Technology (IJRT) (Saxe-Coburg Publications - The details of the submission procedures and deadlines will be provided in the printed conference programme, as issued at the registration desk during the conference.

Young Researcher Best Paper Competition: To encourage young researchers to attend the conference a 1000 Euro Young Researcher Best Paper Prize will be awarded to the best paper presented at each of the conferences. (For further details please see the conference website).