Leonor Morgado, PhD in the Department of Chemistry at FCT/UNL was honored with the award L'Oreal Portugal Medals of Honor for Women in Science 2012. The prize is sponsored by a partnership between L'Oreal Portugal, the National Commission of UNESCO and the Foundation for Science and Technology.
Leonor Morgado has studied several proteins involved in extracellular electron transfer in the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens in the research group led by Prof. Carlos Salgueiro. This
characteristic has been exploited to develop sustainable technologies in the field of bioremediation, in particular for the removal of environmental pollutants, and in the area of bioenergy using microbial fuel cell.
The research project aims to understand and optimize the extracellular electron transfer in the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens trying to contribute to the design of sustainable technologies
in the field of bioremediation and bioenergy production.