

Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Promotes Inaugural Symposium


The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program will held the Inaugural Symposium “Carnegie Mellon Portugal: An Entrepreneurial University-Industry Ecosystem in ICT” which will be held on January 21st, 2013, at Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, in Portugal.

We are pleased to announce that the Secretary of State for Science has confirmed her presence, as have the President of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the Rectors of the University of Coimbra, Porto and Técnica de Lisboa, the members of the External Review Committee, and the Chairman of Novabase.

Program highlights include:
      -        Public Presentation of the Roadmap for Phase II “ICT Portugal: An Entrepreneurial Research Initiative”;
      -        Roundtable on “Towards an Environment for Creative Science and High-Growth Ventures";
      -        Case Studies and Engaging Sessions on strategic areas for Phase II: Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives, Bridging Science and Market, Building and Exploiting Test Beds, Fostering Inter-Disciplinary Research;
      -        Talks by Carnegie Mellon Portugal faculty, researchers, dual degree students, alumni, and industrial affiliates;
      -        Demo and Poster Session;
      -        Networking opportunities for faculty, researchers, students, alumni, and industrial affiliates.

The full program is available at: 

Please do register at  (no later than January 16).