

Erasmus+ Traineeships (SMT) -General Information

Accommodation, travelling arrangements, medical assistance, etc.

The trainee is responsible for accommodation and travelling.
To have medical assistance abroad, you should apply for a European Health Insurance Card (CESD – Cartão Europeu de Seguro de Doença), which is free of charge and valid for one year. The CESD card can be required at Loja do Cidadão, Social Security or any other institution with which you are registered.
Please thoroughly read the information on


School insurance

The school insurance of FCT NOVA covers the risks inherent to the activities of the internship in the destination country, as long as these activities are developed within the scope of the course.


Registration at NOVA FCT 

Students interested in applying for an Erasmus Traineeship (SMT) must be registered at NOVA FCTA.
Students must have a receiving institution and prior agreement from the Erasmus Coordinator of their course, from the Course Coordinator and the supervisor of the dissertation/thesis at NOVA FCT, depending on the type of traineeship they will undertake (Curricular, Extracurricular and for Recent Graduates).
Erasmus traineeships can be carried out with or without a grant. If you already have a receiving institution, the agreement of your supervisor and do not intend to apply for a grant, please contact us by email to: