

Erasmus+ Studies (SMS) 2023/2024 - Pre-applications



Your institutional email address will be our only mean of communication with students.


Erasmus Guide “Questions and Answers”

Read the FAQs carefully before submitting the pre-application

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Mobility Grants

Table for the academic year 2022/2023 (pdf)

When the scholarship table for 2023/2024 is released, it will be made available at:


The number of funded scholarships that will be awarded to FCT has not yet been released.


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Pre-application Calendar 2023/2024 

Pre-applications are submitted online on CLIP


1st Phase – 03 to 23 February 2023

Announcement of 1st Phase Placements (PROVISIONAL) - These placements may be altered after the analysis of complaints. Stay alert! 24th February 2023
Period for Complaints submission (to Write "Complaint Erasmus+ 23/24 – Name and Student Number” in the subject line) 25th to 27th February 2023
Period for Analysis and Response to Complaints  28th February to 03rd March 2023
Confirmation of Interest to Perform Erasmus+ Mobility for students placed in the 1st phase (on CLIP) 04 to 07 March 2023
Announcement of Final Placements - 1st phase 08th March 2023

2nd Phase – 09 to 14 March 2023

Announcement of 2nd Phase Placements (PROVISIONAL) - These placements may be altered after the analysis of complaints. Stay alert! 15th March 2023
Period for Complaints submission (to Write "Complaint Erasmus+ 23/24 – Name and Student Number" in the subject line) 15th March 2023 (until 11:59 pm) 
Period for Analysis and Response to Complaints 16th and 17th March 2023
Confirmation of Interest to Perform Erasmus+ Mobility for the students placed in this 2nd phase (on CLIP) 18th to 20th March 2023
Announcement of Final Placements – 2nd phase 21st March 2023

3rd Phase - 22 March 2023


Date for completing and submitting the form

Application for Possible Remaining Vacancies, open to all students, except those who were placed.
These vacancies are applied for by filling in the following form

The form will only be available for completion and submission from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (during this period the student must be reachable by telephone). Vacancies are assigned in order of submission of the form.

22nd March 2023

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Selection process regulations


Students can only apply for agreements specified for their course and which have been established within the scope of their study areas.

  • Students in their 1st year can apply, but only for the 2nd semester, and if they already have 18 ECTS in CLIP, at the time of the pre-application. Please note: If, by the date of the mobility, the student has not forwarded to the 2nd year, the mobility cannot be performed and the student has to inform the International Relations Division (DRI).
    1st cycle students can only apply for 2nd cycle vacancies, if they already have 126 ECTS which are registered in CLIP.
    3rd cycle vacancies are intended for PhD students or 2nd cycle graduate students who intend to enrol in PhD Programs in 2023/2024.
    Before submitting pre-applications, ALL students should check the websites of the Host Universities to verify if there are any courses (UC) of interest, if language certificates or skills are required and/or if there are any other pre-requisites. Suggested: On the host university website page, select "English" as language; search for the faculties/departments of your study area; search the courses available at that faculty or university, concerning the course you are interested in, then, look for the UC.
    Students placed in the 1st phase MUST confirm their interest in carrying out the Erasmus mobility. This mandatory requirement to confirm the interest applies for those placed in the 2nd phase. Students placed in the 1st and 2nd phases confirm the interest on the date(s) in the Erasmus Calendar (SMS) 2023/2024. For students placed in the 3rd phase, interest in the mobility is automatically confirmed.
    Students placed in the 1st phases who DO NOT confirm their interest will be automatically excluded by the system, will lose their allocated place and cannot apply to the 2nd phase. Students placed in the 2nd phases that do not confirm their interest, will also lose their place.
    Students who were not placed in the 1st phase of pre-applications may re-apply in the 2nd phase for those agreements that still have vacancies.
    Students placed in the 1st or 2nd phases will not be able to make any exchange.
    The vacancies that were not attributed in the 1st and 2nd pre-application phases will be those available in the 3rd phase, i.e., in the 3rd phase there are no new open vacancies.
    The 3rd phase is meant for students who have NOT been placed in the 1st and 2nd phases, and also for students who have not pre-applied. However, the latter will not be entitled to a scholarship, as they have not been through the selection process, and will miss priority to the vacancy, in case a student who has not been placed in the desired vacancy (in the 1st or 2nd Phases) requests it.
    In the 3rd phase the vacancies are requested from 9am to 1pm on March 22nd, by filling in the form referred to in the Erasmus Calendar (SMS) 2023/2024.
    If, in your current study cycle, you have already done Erasmus through FCT NOVA, or another higher education institution, you must deduct the number of months on Erasmus from the total 12 months which you are entitled to for each study cycle.
    Before submitting the pre-application, we advise you to verify the compatibility of curricula between the UA and FCT NOVA. If necessary, you should ask for support from the Course Coordinators and/or Erasmus Departmental Coordinators:

      • Course Coordinators (Soon)
      • Erasmus Departmental Course Coordinators (Soon)
  • Despite being selected by FCT NOVA, and formalizing the Erasmus application (through the submission of the documentation that will be requested by FCT NOVA and the UA), the mobility will only be guaranteed after the Host University approves the application, and informs the student that he/she has been accepted.


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Interinstitutional agreements

Final list of interinstitutional agreements available for student mobility (SMS) in 2023/2024

  • Listed  by Department and comprising recommended FCT courses (Soon)
  • Copy of all FCT NOVA Erasmus+ current agreements 2023/2024 (Soon)

After consulting the list with the available agreements, and verifying the list of courses specified for each agreement, the student will have to submit the pre-application online through CLIP.

The number of vacancies and the length of the mobility period of each Interinstitutional Agreement with the Host Universities must be complied with. The number of students to be sent by FCT cannot exceed the number of places stipulated by each agreement.



Formalization of Applications 2023/2024


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