

Exchanges under inter-institutional agreements



- 1st semester or full academic year: 31/05

- 2nd semester: 31/10


- 1st semester or full academic year: 30/06

- 2nd semester: 30/11


To apply to NOVA School of Science and Technology as an Exchange student, you must follow the following application procedures.

  • The home institution of the applicant must contact us and nominate the Exchange student;
  • The student must complete and send to us: Application Form and Academic Transcript.

Both documents must be sent to, duly signed and stamped by your University.

It will not be necessary to send the original documents by post.


Academic offer

Available here


School calendar

The school calendar for the year 2021/2022 is available here:

You can do a maximum of 30 ECTS per semester and 60 ECTS per full academic year.


Curricular units

It is possible to select curricular units from different cycles and courses / departments of FCT / UNL. However, 1st and 2nd cycle students are not recommended to choose course units from the 3rd cycle of studies (PhD). Only regular FCT students can enroll in curricular units belonging to quarters.

Curricular Units taught in the 1st semester are offered in semesters 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Curricular Units taught in the 2nd semester are offered in semesters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

All FCT Curricular Units are taught in Portuguese.

It is not possible to choose course units from other NOVA schools.



At the moment accommodation at the Fraústo da Silva University Residence will not be possible due to the pandemic context, UNL university residences are reserved for scholarship students from Social Services.


Important note:

Please be advised that the School Insurance you are entitled to covers Personal Accidents during class periods and travel from home to college and from college to home and also Civil Liability.
We recommend that all students from countries outside the European Union take out health insurance valid in our country before coming to Portugal.