The Corporate Relations, Alumni and Partnerships for Business Development area is composed by two complementary areas: Corporate Relations and Partnerships, and Alumni.
By joining efforts in these areas we aim to increase NOVA FCT’s visibility, establishing and consolidating the school’s relationship with its Alumni Community, companies and organizations and external partners, creating an higher impact and leveraging all the NOVA FCT’s ecossystem.
Coordinator :
Adriana Saraiva
Postal address:
Corporate Relations, Alumni and Parnerships for Business Development
NOVA School of Science and Technology
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica
The Alumni NOVA FCT area aims to establish and foster relationships with NOVA FCT’s community of former students, stimulating frequent communication and collaboration between both parties, alligned with the execution of the global strategy of the school. With this closer bond, we aim to create synergies and opportunities for the development of projects and research, promoting value creation for the society and the world.
The Alumni NOVA FCT is a community of former students connected not only by having NOVA FCT as the starting point of their career but also by the commitment to keep their learning journey alive and by the will to play an active and impactful role.
Postal address:
NOVA School of Science and Technology
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica
The Corporate Relations and Partnerships area establishes the connection between the corporate environment and NOVA FCT’s ecossystem. Our mission is to facilitate the access to talent and knowledge, promoting several types of collaboration and strategic partnerships. We identify opportunities for collaboration which respond to companies’ needs, we assist in obtaining funding and resources for joint projects, and we promote initiatives that strengthen scientific research, education and add real value.
The collaboration opportunities include the participation in events at NOVA FCT campus, sponsorship of Master’s and PhD’s thesis, internships and cooperation programs for students and companies, companies’ involvement in research and innovation activities, amongst other. We also promote the collaborative research and the knowledge transfer between academia and industry.
We are committed in creating an environment where both companies and NOVA FCT can grow together, creating mutual benefits and contributing for the advancement of our society.
Postal address:
Corporate Relations and Partnerships
NOVA School of Science and Technology
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica