Master's in Renewable Energy Engineering


Master's in Renewable Energy Engineering

Energy for a Sustainable Future.

Renewable energies have emerged as key pillar for boosting sustainability, providing an important alternative to traditional sources based on fossil fuels. From this perspective, they play a central role in power generation, human mobility and the multiple energy needs of modern society.

The interdisciplinary nature of the Master's in Renewable Energy Engineering promotes technical training and specialised knowledge strongly oriented towards an effective and efficient response to market needs in technical, environmental and economic terms.

Why this Master's?

  • The Master's in Renewable Energy Engineering is guided by a vision that is mainly (but not exclusively) focused on electrical conversion, with a concern for the environmental and economic-legal aspects associated with the use of renewable energy;
  • The diversity of scientific fields contributes to a solid education;
  • Specialised teaching staff;
  • Recognised research activity;
  • Activity with companies in the renewable energy sector;
  • Research opportunities.

Applications 2025/26

1st Phase: FEB. 3rd to MAR. 22nd

2nd Phase: JUN. 2nd to JUL. 18th

Vacancies: 30

Duration: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Format: In-Person / Daytime

Language: Portuguese and/or English


Course Coordinator: Pedro Ribeiro Pereira,

Academic divison:

I want to apply:


The Master's in Renewable Energy Engineering is the responsibility of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC), in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (DCEA), the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI) and the Department of Chemistry (DQ).


For whom

  • Graduates (or equivalent) in Engineering, namely Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Environmental, Renewable Energy, Physical or related fields;
  • Holders of a foreign higher education degree (1st cycle) in one of the above-mentioned fields, taught in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process in a state which is a party to this process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in one of the aforementioned fields, recognised by the NOVA FCT Scientific Council as meeting the objectives of the degree;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognised by the NOVA FCT Scientific Council as attesting to their ability to complete this Master's degree.

Career opportunities

  • Consultancy in renewable energies for energy service companies;
  • Auditing and analysing energy efficiency and environmental impact assessments;
  • Designers of solar or wind farms;
  • Various professional roles in the industry, the service sector, central, regional or local administration, among others;
  • Research and development (R&D) in higher education institutions, laboratories or industry.


Salomão Joaquim

Salomão Joaquim

Intern at EDP

"Scientific excellence, projects and practical work with social impact, promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship, professionalism and empathy are the main reasons for choosing NOVA FCT." 

Anterior Próximo

About the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Founded in 1993, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) is a teaching and research unit of NOVA FCT dedicated to advancement, research, quality education, and providing the community with specialized services in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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