Master's in Mathematics and Applications - Profile in Pure Mathematics


Master's in Mathematics and Applications - Profile in Pure Mathematics

Draw the matrix of a bright future.

The specialization in Pure Mathematics of the Master's in Mathematics and Applications offers students a solid scientific foundation, allowing specialization in various areas of mathematics such as algebra, analysis, algebraic geometry, differential equations, mathematical logic, among others, with the possibility for students to customize their education.

Why this Master's?

  • Possibility to customize the study plan through elective courses in algebra, analysis, algebraic geometry, differential equations, and mathematical logic.
  • Theoretical-practical component and computational practical component in some courses.
  • Personalized support in dedicated student/professor sessions for clarification of specific doubts.
  • Faculty committed to teaching and research.

Applications 2025/26

1st Phase: Feb 3rd to Mar 22nd

2nd Phase: Jun 2nd to Jul 18th

Vacancies: 30

Duration: 2 schooling years

Format: In-person, Daytime

Language: Portuguese and/or English


Course Coordinator: Marta Faias,

Academic divison:

I want to apply:



For whom

  • Holders of a bachelor's degree from the 1st cycle or legal equivalent, with a solid background in Mathematics. With a degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Applied Physics;
  • Holders of a higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized in those areas, in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
  • Holders of a higher academic degree in those areas, recognized as meeting the objectives of the bachelor's degree by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific, or professional curriculum recognized as attesting the capacity to undertake this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology – NOVA FCT.

Career opportunities

  • Academic Career;
  • Research.


Carolina Strecht Fernandes 

Aluna  a frequentar o 2º ano do mestrado

No Mestrado em Matemática e Aplicações no ramo de Matemática Pura, tive a oportunidade de aprofundar conhecimentos nas áreas que mais despertaram o meu interesse e selecionar as cadeiras que melhor se adequaram ao tema da dissertação no âmbito do projeto em que sou bolseira.  Recomendo este ramo a quem procura seguir um percurso virado para a investigação, podendo contar com uma formação de qualidade concedida por docentes competentes e frequentemente disponíveis.

Diogo Costa Cabanas

Doutorando no Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de Delft

O mestrado que realizei, no ramo de Matemática Pura, serviu-me crucialmente como preparação para o doutoramento. As competências que desenvolvi neste ramo, principalmente o rigor matemático de que carecia, foram essenciais para a minha formação enquanto investigador. A total disponibilidade e competência dos docentes que tive durante o mestrado tornaram esta aprendizagem mais entusiasmante e duradoura, e são eles a principal razão porque recomendo este mestrado a todas as pessoas que têm um gosto especial por matemática ― e vontade de a desenvolver academicamente.

Anterior Próximo


Especialização em Ciências dos Dados e da Decisão
Especialização em Matemática Financeira Computacional
Especialização em Matemática Pura



About the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at NOVA FCT is a permanent teaching and research unit of NOVA FCT. With over 70 PhD faculty members, the Department of Mathematics engages in a wide range of activities in the field of Mathematics, including teaching, research, promotion, and dissemination. It also provides lifelong learning opportunities and offers services to the community.

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