Master’s in Mathematics and Applications – Profile in Data and Decision Sciences


Master’s in Mathematics and Applications – Profile in Data and Decision Sciences

Roll the dice that will define your future.

The profile in Data and Decision Sciences of the Master’s in Mathematics and Applications offers solid and modern training in Statistics and Operational Research.

This Master’s program provides the skills needed to address a wide variety of challenges in business, industrial and service institutions that require advanced data analysis or modeling techniques.

Choosing the profile in Data and Decision Sciences you will be able to understand, frame, formulate and solve real world problems, regardless of their origin or structure, using mathematical models. These problems may arise in a multidisciplinary context or in applications in Science, Engineering, Economics or Finance.

NOTE: When applying for the “Data and Decision Sciences” profile, you must choose the option “Master's in Mathematics and Applications - profile in Actuarial Science, Statistics and Operational Research”

Why this Master's?

  • Theoretical-practical component enables not only the application of reference models, but also the building of new models;
  • The learning of mathematical models and techniques goes along with intensive computational implementation, either through the construction of algorithms using languages ​​such as Python, R, Matlab, or through the use of high-level programming languages ​​such as GAMS or AMPL, often based in real life applications, a learning based on real problems;
  • The Master’s study plan offers several optional curricular units in the areas of Statistics, Operational Research and Artificial Intelligence, and students can customize their training;
  • It allows you to develop specific skills, typical of a postgraduate program of this nature, such as: Risk analysis, Estimation and forecasting, Statistical modeling, Logistics and operations management, Transportation management, Solving industry problems involving decision-making based on predictions;
  • Lecturers committed to teaching and research.

Applications 2025/26

1st Phase: FEB. 3rd to MAR. 22nd

2nd Phase: JUN. 2nd to JUL.18th

Vacancies: 30

Duration: 2 schooling years

Format: In-person, Daytime

Language: Portuguese and/or English


Course Coordinator: Marta Faias,

Academic divison:

I want to apply:


Students of this Master's program have the opportunity to undertake internships in renowned companies in various sectors of activity. Dissertations may be developed in a company environment or within the research teams of the Department of Mathematics and the Center for Mathematics and Applications of NOVA FCT. The Master's degree also enables students to continue to doctoral programs.


For whom

  • Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent in areas of Exact Sciences, Technologies, Economics, Business or Finances,  with a minimum basic preparation in Mathematics;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized, in these areas, in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, in these areas, that is recognized as meeting the objectives of the degree by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized as attesting the ability to carry out this cycle of studies by Scientific Council of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology.

Career opportunities

  • Consulting;
  • Software development companies;
  • Insurance companies;
  •  Banks and Financial Institutions;
  •  Logistics and Industrial Sector;
  •  Transport and Telecommunications;
  •  Public Services and Service companies;
  • Industrial and technological development centers;
  •  Health and Social Security;
  • Public Administration;
  •  Research Laboratories;
  • Teaching and Research in Higher Education.


Inês Douradinho 

O Mestrado em Matemática e Aplicações no ramo de Ciência dos Dados e da Decisão fornece ferramentas práticas e teóricas para formular e resolver problemas reais utilizando modelos matemáticos, demonstrando que muitas vezes a solução ótima está à distância de um click. Através de áreas como otimização combinatória, simulação, investigação operacional e inteligência artificial, aliadas à utilização de softwares como R e Python, é possível resolver inúmeros problemas do dia a dia. Adicionalmente, decidi continuar os meus estudos na NOVA FCT devido à proximidade com todos os docentes e ao ambiente que se vive no campus, demonstrando desde cedo ser possível haver um equilíbrio entre a aquisição de conhecimentos e a vivência do espírito académico

Matilde Oliveira

Matilde Oliveira

Atuária, Departamento de Resseguro, Solvência e Capital da Santander Totta Seguros

"O Mestrado em Matemática e Aplicações da NOVA FCT foi uma escolha natural para mim, dada a sua dimensão eminentemente prática e a reputação dos seus professores. A vertente prática é a característica mais relevante que reconheço a este curso pois, além de me ter permitido aprofundar a teoria das minhas áreas de preferência, fomentou o contacto direto e contínuo com softwares absolutamente essenciais para a minha carreira".

Anterior Próximo


Especialização em Ciências dos Dados e da Decisão
Especialização em Matemática Financeira Computacional
Especialização em Matemática Pura



About the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at NOVA FCT is a permanent teaching and research unit of NOVA FCT. With over 70 PhD faculty members, the Department of Mathematics engages in a wide range of activities in the field of Mathematics, including teaching, research, promotion, and dissemination. It also provides lifelong learning opportunities and offers services to the community.

More info