The Working Group on Governance and Strategy for Sustainability, of the Portuguese Sustainable Campus Network, promotes on April 16, 2021 at 2:30 pm a webinar in which it is intended to expose experiences and discuss the theme of sustainability management in Higher Education Institutions in view of the organization for sustainability management. Should there be a specific structure for sustainability management? What other forms are there? What success do they have? How do they articulate with the other management structures of the Institutions? To what extent does the stability of the strategic and operational guidelines on sustainability in the Institutions depend on the respective government cycles? Do the operational structures survive the changes in government of the Institutions? What role do these structures play in mobilizing the academic community?
Guest speakers:
The moderation will be in charge of Engª Ana Carla Madeira, Coordinator of the Commissioner for Sustainability at FEUP and member of the Executive Committee of RCS Portugal.