Within the scope of the work on the FCT NOVA Sustainability Strategy, a group of finalist students of the Integrated Master in Environmental Engineering developed a set of projects related to the “State of Sustainability at FCT NOVA”, which will be presented on March 27, from 14:00 - 15:30 in the Library Auditorium.
Key questions like: How much energy and water do we consume? What waste do we produce? What biodiversity is there on Campus? Are public purchases made by FCT (un)sustainable? Do we have healthy eating options at FCT? How is sustainability present in what we teach and investigate? These will be answered to satisfy everyone's curiosity and, above all, to motivate a new attitude of the whole community that lives daily at FCT.
The event will have the following schedule:
14h00 – 14h10 | FCT NOVA Sustainability Strategy, J. Seixas
14h10 – 14h50 | State of Sustainability at FCT NOVA, MIEA finalist students
Water: Manuel Melo
Energy and Climate Change: Débora Rodrigues
Air Quality and Mobility: Mário Nunes
Waste: Quelvina Fortes
Land, Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity: Ana Omaña
Social Involvement, Culture and Well-being: Inês Magalhães
Food: Filipa Henriques
Sustainable Purchasing: Maria Carvalho
14h50 – 15h00 | Sustainability in Teaching and Research at FCT NOVA, J. Santos
15h00 – 15h15 | Debate: Q&A
15h15 – 15h30 | Closing, Dean Prof. Virgílio Cruz Machado
We count on the presence of all. Without knowing we cannot act!
Participation is free and open to the entire FCT community.