On World Environment Day, FCT NOVA invites Paula Trindade, alumna from FCT NOVA and researcher at the National Energy and Geology Laboratory, to talk about “Sustainable Purchases”.
Sustainable and Circular Purchases contribute to Sustainability by changing the current patterns of production and consumption that they induce, placing requirements on the products and services to be purchased. Public procurement represents a large market share: around 19% of European GDP, so adopting sustainability requirements in public procurement allows us to respond to the current challenges of decarbonizing the economy, circular economy, new business models and social issues.
Sustainable purchases are an integral part of the Sustainability Strategy that FCT NOVA is developing.
With a PhD in Environment and Sustainability by FCT NOVA, the former student has been responsible for research and consultancy activities in various organizations in the field of sustainability since 1991, particularly in public and institutional procurement - Ecological Procurement, Social Procurement, Low Carbon Procurement, Procurement for Innovation, Shopping for the Circular Economy. She has developed and implemented several European and national projects, such as GreenMed, PRO-EE, SMART-SPP, Building SPP, GPP 2020, Ecopol, GREENIN, Circular Purchases from the Environmental Fund.