

Arquivo de notícias de December de 2014

According to the information that has been recently published in the official FELLOW-MUNDUS website there are 2 scholarships available for European candidates for Post-doctorate mobilities (Target Group 1), under the 2nd Call.


Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship (BI-Master), in Laboratório Associado I3N Ref.ª LA0025 Pólo CENIMAT, FCT/UNL, financed by FCT/MEC through national funds and when applicable co-financed by FEDER, in the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.


Ricardo Franco, Professor at the Chemistry Department at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, has a project approved from the Gilead GÉNESE program.


We would like to inform you about a special topic edition of Frontiers in Materials (Nature Publishing Group) under the section Colloids and Interfaces, entitled:
Interfacing Nanostructures Through Their Interface 


Professors Rodrigo Gonçalves and João Rocha de Almeida, both belonging to FCT’s  Department of Civil Engineering, received awards  in two categories of the 8th edition of the Prize Ferry Borges, established by the Portuguese Association of Structural Engineering, in collaboration with the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering and the Order of Engineers.


Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship (BI-Master) within the Project “i-Tiles - Desenvolvimento de Filmes Finos Oticamente Ativos em Telhas Cerâmicas para Melhoria da Eficiência Energética em Edifícios" nº 39004


David Henriques, student of  FCT’s Master in Civil Engineering , was awarded with an Honorable Mention for the "Young Masters Award" for his Master's thesis, entitled "A finite element physically nonlinear for steel-concrete composite beams" , supervised by Professor Rodrigo Gonçalves (Dept. of Civil Engineering). 


Carlos Agra Coelho, Associate Professor with Habilitation of the Mathematics Department and integrated member of Centro de Matemática e Aplicações of FCT-UNL was nominated ‘Elected Member’ of the International Statistical Institute.


Applications are invited for Science and Technology Management Grants (BGCT), in Laboratório Associado I3N Ref.ª LA0025 Pólo CENIMAT, FCT/UNL, financed by FCT/MEC through national funds and when applicable co-financed by FEDER, in the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.


Cecília Roque, head of the Biomolecular Engineering Lab at UCiBio, a research unit at the Chemistry Department at FCT - UNL, has just received a Starting Grant from European Research Council (ERC).


A team of Professors belonging to FCT-UNL Mathematic's Department is part of the European Comenius Project "MiMa - Mathematics in the Making", along with four European partners. 


Professors Carlos Lodeiro and Jose Luis Capelo from the Bioscope group of the Department of UCIBIO-REQUIMTE Chemistry, CEOS Scientific Association PROTEOMASS, just coordinated  the publication of a special topic issue of the "Journal of Nanoparticle Research" published by  Springer. 
