

NOVA FCT leads the way in Setúbal district recycling challenge


With 11 thousand kilograms of collected waste, NOVA FCT wins the "Geração Depositrão" competition in the Setúbal district. Nationally, the School ranks 5th out of a total of 536 participating educational institutions.

The competition, organised by ERP Portugal (Waste Management Entity), in partnership with the Eco-Schools Programme (ABAAE), aims to raise awareness among children and young people about the proper disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Waste Batteries and Accumulators (WBA).

This classification is due to the effort and participation of the entire NOVA FCT community, who deposited their Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Batteries, and Accumulators in the designated containers available on the Caparica Campus, specifically the Depositrões and Traga-Pilhas Boxes.

The School embraces sustainability as one of its commitments and has been implementing measures to encourage and inspire the community to be more conscious and engaged.


Escolas portuguesas recolhem 435 toneladas de resíduos para ERP Portugal, Jornal Económico

Escolas recolheram cerca de 435 toneladas de pilhas no último ano letivo, Welectric

Escolas do distrito de Setúbal recolheram mais de 27 toneladas em resíduos elétricos, eletrónicos e baterias, Setúbal Mais