

NOVA FCT and Jernónimo Martins sign partnership to boost university students' professional careers


NOVA FCT and and the historic Portuguese retail group, Jerónimo Martins, have signed a partnership aimed at enhancing the professional careers of university students. This multi-year agreement seeks to foster joint initiatives to accelerate the professional careers of university students or that include research, innovation or technology transfer activities.

The protocol established between the parties marks the beginning of a collaborative process. This may involve research projects, curricular internships, master's dissertations, doctorates, professorships, scholarships, merit scholarships, as well as customized training tailored to market needs.

Through this partnership, NOVA FCT students will gain insight into the professional opportunities available at Jerónimo Martins, which will participate in employment and market-oriented forums organized by the School.

Ana Rodrigo Gonçalves, Head of Partnerships & Engagement at NOVA FCT, emphasizes the importance of such partnerships in bridging academia and the business world. She states, "These partnerships are crucial for bringing the College closer to the business world, representing a paradigm shift. Colleges are not only knowledge-sharing institutions but also creative hubs fostering direct contact with major companies in the national business landscape, including Jerónimo Martins. Student feedback highlights the transition to the labor market as a primary concern, and we believe this process should increasingly involve a direct link between colleges and companies."

Joana Loureiro, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Executive Director at Jerónimo Martins, emphasizes the company's interest in collaborating with academia, drawing on its longstanding history of university partnerships. She states, "For JM, it is highly beneficial to engage with academia, building upon our extensive history of university partnerships. This initiative aims to enrich the academic experience by integrating it more closely with the business world. Formalizing these collaborations is crucial to ensure students are aware of them and can fully leverage the opportunities they offer."

Pictured from left to right: Cláudia Vieira, Academic Partnerships Senior Manager at Jerónimo Martins, Eurico Cabrita, Vice Dean for Research and Innovation at NOVA FCT, Joana Loureiro, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Executive Director at Jerónimo Martins, José Júlio Alferes, Dean of NOVA FCT, and Ana Gonçalves, Head of Partnerships & Engagement at NOVA FCT.



Jerónimo Martins e NOVA FCT estabelecem parceria para impulsionar a carreira dos estudantes, HR Portugal

Jerónimo Martins fecha protocolo com NOVA FCT para aproximar alunos do mercado de trabalho, Distribuição Hoje