The NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA celebrates its 45th anniversary on November 16th in the Grand Auditorium of the Caparica Campus.
This year the celebrations will begin with the Almada Dance Company, which will present an excerpt from the show SubRosa. The program will continue with the presentation of the School Awards and Merit Scholarships to the best students at FCT NOVA.
SubRosa | 2018 from Companhia de Dança de Almada on Vimeo.
The celebrations will also include the performance of Ionesco's "Lesson", brought by the NOVO Núcleo de Teatro - this stunted group was the winner of FATAL 2022, the largest Academic Theater Festival in Portugal-, and a lecture by Paulo Pereira da Silva, CEO of Renova, guest speaker of this edition.
The session will be attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, the Magnificent Rector of NOVA, the President of the Order of Engineers, the Dean of FCT NOVA and the School's management team.
Program (Portuguese).