

In-Nova promotes 1st Innovation Week | 21 to 23 March


Between March 21st and 23rd, In-Nova, Junior Company of NOVA School of Science and Technology, promotes the 1st Innovation Week on the Caparica campus.

Building VII will be the meeting point between companies and students. In the group of the organizations confirmed to participate are KPMG, Networkme, SaltPay, GSK, Philip Morris, among others.

The meeting will also feature lectures and roundtables from companies and personalities with inspiring and disruptive life paths. Maria Saraiva, working at Google EMEA, Katarina Larsson, Supply Chain Manager at Philip Morris, and Paulo Ferreira, who works in the media sector and, in addition to her remarkable career, completed the IRONMAN Cascais 2021 competition, are among the guest speakers.

You can find the event program and keep up to date with all the news by following the event page on instagram or facebook.
To participate simply sign up at this link and appear at the biggest networking happening of this year.