

NOVA School of Science and Technology has joined the European Week for Waste Reduction 2019



"Depositrão" at the NOVA School of Science and Technology campus 

During the European Week for Waste Reduction 2019, the NOVA School of Science and Technology  (FCT NOVA) reinforced the number of containers for specific waste collection on campus, published daily community awareness posts on social networks and presented an exhibition on cigarette butts.

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is an initiative that takes place annually in November across all Europe and aims to raise awareness of sustainable resource and waste management. The theme of EWWR 2019 was “Waste and Communication and Education”, adopting the slogan “Change your ways, Reduce your waste”, challenging participants to educate themselves and others about waste and to put that knowledge into practice by changing their daily consumption habits in order to reduce their waste.

At FCT NOVA, the actions implemented included placing several containers provided by the European Recycling Platform (ERP) accessible to the entire campus community, namely:

  • 40 cardboard boxes for the collection of battery and accumulator waste and a small electrical and electronic waste collection equipment, available in all Services and Departments;
  • 1 large metal electrical and electronic waste collection stand in the outer space between the Staff House and the Library;
  • 1 smaller metal electrical and electronic waste collection stand in the basement of the Departmental Building - Environment Wing.

In addition to the reinforcement of containers, FCT NOVA promoted the campaign “5 days, 5 tips to be + Sustainable”, with the publication of awareness posts on FCT NOVA's social networks (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter), calling for a reduction in resource consumption and more sustainable behaviors. The daily posts were about the 5R's Policy, Deplastification, Combating Food Waste, Material Sharing and Circular Economy.

Campaign “5 days, 5 tips to be + Sustainable”

In addition, the NAS - Environment and Sustainability Student Group of FCT NOVA, was present in the lobby of Building VII with an exhibition of cigarette butts collected on the campus of Caparica, with the purpose of sensitizing students, teachers, researchers and collaborators to change their smoking habits.

Exhibition of cigarette butts collected on the campus of FCT NOVA, (NAS FCT)