

Welcome session for international mobility students


The NOVA School of Science and Technology received this Thursday, September 5, the first new students of this school year. In total, 112 students from 20 countries will be on campus studying in the various areas of our educational offer.

Karolina Sosha, 23 years old, comes from Poland and has chosen to study at the NOVA School of Science and Technology as part of the international mobility programs. “This college is known for being challenging, which makes it so much more interesting. In addition I want to work with Professor José Ricardo Ramos Franco Tavares from the Chemistry Department, ” she explained. The student also admitted that she is in love with Lisbon.

Lisbon was also one of the reasons that brought 25-year-old Harjinder to our campus. This Indian student, currently taking his course in Italy, also preferred FCT NOVA. “A friend from Italy came to this campus last year and told me he had the opportunity to work on a project. I want to have this experience”, he said. "The college is also known for being demanding and besides Lisbon is very beautiful," he concluded.

The welcome session for international mobility students took place at the Library Auditorium with the presence of the Dean Virgílio Cruz Machado, Deputy Director Maria do Rosário Cabrita, Deputy Director Vitor Hugo Fernandes and the President of the Students' Association.

The reception program also included a visit to the campus, a tour around Almada Velha, Cacilhas, Capuchos and Caparica, ending with a dinner in the Canteen’s social area.