

Roadshow CIÊNCIAVITAE at NOVA School of Science and Technology



On October 2nd, from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, a presentation session will be held at the NOVA School of Science and Technology Library Auditorium of the new curriculum management platform, CIÊNCIAVITAE.

During this session, the community can learn more about how the new platform works, what it can do, and how well CIÊNCIAVITAE can improve knowledge production by making the curriculum management process simpler.

This presentation session lasts for a maximum of three hours and includes two parts. In the first part, the CIÊNCIAVITAEteam will explain the main features of the system. The second part is a hands-on session, where participants are invited to create their CV on the platform, with the support of the team.

CIÊNCIAVITAE is a unique, personalized, simple, harmonized and structured curriculum. It allows to gather in a single platform all information regarding the user, whether student, researcher or institution, and which is currently dispersed in multiple platforms, such as FCT-SIG CV, DeGóis, RENATES, REBIDES, ORCID and RCAAP.

This initiative is part of the presentation sessions,  in person and remote, planned for the coming months on the new curriculum platform. This session is aimed at the entire community, including researchers and S&T managers.

Register here.