

“Human” periodic table in Almada counted with 140 students


“Human” periodic table

140 students coming from various secondary schools in the Almada region represented the chemical elements of the Periodic Table on the 150th anniversary of its creation by the Russian chemist Dimitry Mendeleev.

The human table took shape in the Comandante Júlio Ferraz Urban Park in Almada on the morning of January 29, with the support of the Chemistry Department of FCT NOVA, the Portuguese Society of Chemistry and the Secondary Schools of Almada.

Participating in this event were students from the Romeu Correia, Emídio Navarro, João de Barros and Rui Luís Gomes Schools Groups, the Cacilhas-Tejo High School and the Professional Education School for Development.

The initiative, which has been replicated in several cities of the country, marks the official beginning of the celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table. The initiative promoted by UNESCO aims to 'raise global awareness and education in the basic sciences'.

Outros destaques:

"FCT NOVA junta-se às celebrações do Ano Internacional da Tabela Periódica"

"A Tabela Periódica está Viva"


Na imprensa

"Tabelas Periódicas Humanas em todo o país" (DE Rerum Natura)

"Tabela periódica, um mundo químico onde as bananas estão ao lado dos relógios atómicos" (TSF)

"Todo o Universo numa tabela de 118 elementos químicos" (Público)

"2019 é o Ano Internacional da Tabela Periódica e ela está viva!" (Noite Europeia dos Investigadores)

"Eis a tabela periódica mais antiga que se conhece" (Público)

"Alunos de Almada homenageiam tabela periódica da química" (Diário da Região Setubalense)