

FCT NOVA joins the celebrations of the International Year of the Periodic Table


Ano Internacional da Tabela Periódica

UNESCO marked 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table, celebrating 150 years since it was created by Russian chemist Dimitry Mendeleev. The event also acknowledges the importance and growing global awareness of how chemistry promotes sustainable development and provides solutions to global challenges in the fields of energy, education, agriculture and health.

 FCT NOVA, through the Department of Chemistry and the Library, joins this global festivity with an intense agenda of lectures and other activities that will happen during 2019.

 The commemorations, however, begins in 2018, with the inauguration of the mural of Ricardo Almeida, with the 118 chemical elements of the Periodic Table at the entrance of the Library, at 12h00 on December 5th.

 The program, which is still provisory, includes a series of lectures that will bring to the Campus various experts such as William Tolman of the University of Minnesota, USA on April 17 or Martyn Poliakoff of the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom on July 25.


Meet and learn more about these and other guests here.

Follow the whole agenda here.

 Meet the Department of Chemistry here.

 Follow the activities of the Library here.