

Prize Ceremony of the "Santander/UNL Collaborative Research Award"


The winner of the eighth edition of the “Santander/UNL Collaborative Research Award”, dedicated to Life Sciences, is the work "Recap of late Alzheimer's disease using three-dimensional cultures of human neurons."

The award distribution ceremony takes place on April 22 in the Rectory’s Auditorium and will be attended by senior representatives of the New University of Lisbon and of Santander Totta, the remaining elements of the jury and of the winning researchers.

The winning team is led by Claudia Almeida, researcher at CEDOC (Chronic Diseases Research Center) of the NOVA Medical School / Faculty of Medical Sciences. Members of the winning team are also researcher Catarina Brito, from the “Technology Unit of Animals Cell” of ITQB / NOVA and IBET (Institute of Biological and Chemical Technology António Xavier) of NOVA, and the “Institute of Experimental Biology and Technology). In the project design also participated researchers Florent Ubelmann - also from CEDOC- and PhD student Ana Paula Terrace in co-supervision.

This is a project that will create an experimental model of Alzheimer's disease (AD), in a late start phase, that can be used for further study of the disease induction’s mechanism and also for personalized tests for new therapeutic strategies adapted to each patient.

The prize, worth 25,000 euros, is the result of a collaboration agreement signed between the University and Banco Santander Totta, that aims to distinguish collaborative research projects in the areas of Life Sciences, Social and Human Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering. For this year's edition, were admitted to the competition, research projects in the area of Life Sciences.