

Faculty Council


The Faculty Council is composed of fifteen members:

  1. Two student;
  2. Nine professors and researchers;
  3. Three external members;
  4.  One non-teaching and non-researching employee.


Representatives of Professors and Researchers

Professor Paulo da Costa Luís da Fonseca Pinto

Professor Paula Alexandra Quintela Videira

Professor António J. M. da Cunha Machado Malheiro

Professor  Ana Luísa da Graça Batista Custódio

Professor Cláudio António Rainha Aires Fernandes

Professor Marco Diogo Richter Gomes da Silva

Professor Cristiana Andreia Vieira Torres

Professor Susete Maria Brazão Nogueira Fernandes

Professor Paula Maria Theriaga Mendes Bernardo Gonçalves


External Members

Eng.º Mário Jacinto Soares de Oliveira Lopes Figueira

Eng.º Ivo Yves de Matos Pereira Vieira

Dr.ª M.ª Teresa da Silveira Bretão Machado Luciano


Students Representatives

Mariana lsabela Galante Aguiar

Miguel Alexandre Nobre Milheiro

Non-teaching and non-researching employee Representatives

Maria João Murteira Coelho




As stated in the Statutes of FCT NOVA, the Faculty Council must:

  1. Approve its regulations, which will detail the electoral process for the Dean and set the rules of function of the Council;
  2. Elect its President, by absolute majority, from among the external members;
  3. Elect the Dean by absolute majority and remove him/her by a two-thirds majority;
  4. Propose to the Dean overall and sectorial evaluation processes, targeting FCT NOVA departments and research centres;   
  5. Propose to the Dean fundraising strategies; 
  6. Propose to the Dean appropriate measures to strengthen the relationship between FCT NOVA and the community;
  7. Audit FCT NOVA management;  
  8. Assess the activities carried out by the Dean and the Executive Council; 
  9. Propose the initiatives it deems necessary for the proper functioning of the institution;  
  10. Perform any other duties prescribed by law, the Statutes of UNL, or the Statutes of FCT NOVA.



Eng.º Mário Jacinto Soares de Oliveira Lopes Figueira

Postal address:

Conselho de Faculdade
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Caparica
2829-516 Caparica


Carla Mota



(+351) 212 947 881

12110 (internal number)

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