Master's in Materials Engineering


Master's in Materials Engineering

Provides the functionality the world needs.

Around 70% of all technological innovations are directly or indirectly linked to materials, from electronic, biotechnology or energy applications.

Cars, airplanes, computers, televisions, mobile phones, sports equipment, biomedical devices (artificial valves, implants), among others, required the development of materials and manufacturing processes in order to give them the required properties and functionalities.

The Master's Degree in Materials Engineering is the main driver of progress in any area, contributing to an effective response to market needs and to sustainable industrial development.

Master’s Talks

Attend the clarification session about this Master's program and get all the answers you need to any doubt you may have. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory.
Date: 12 june, 2024
Time: 11H00
Format: Online and In-Person
Registr here.

Why this Master's?

  • State-of-the-art scientific-technological training, with a strong practical component (hands-on approach);
  • Transdisciplinary training: methodological tools for research and analysis, allowing the development of transversal skills (critical thinking, creative autonomy, teamwork, leadership and entrepreneurship);
  • Pedagogical and research infrastructures of excellence at national and international level;
  • The only Master's Degree in the country to be dedicated to teaching areas such as Microelectronics and Liquid Crystals;
  • Renowned faculty in the field of teaching and research;
  • Strategic partnerships and strong connection to the labour market.

Applications 2025/26

1st Phase: FEB. 3rd to MAR. 22nd

2nd Phase: JUN. 2nd to JUL. 18th

Vacancies: 30

Duration: 2 years: 1st year (1S, 2T, 2S), 2nd year (1S e 2S)

Format: In-Person, Daytime

Language: Portuguese and/or English


Course Coordinator: Maria Margarida Rolim Augusto Lima,

Academic divison:

I want to apply:


The Master's Degree in Materials Engineering is based on the excellent research carried out at the Department of Materials Science and CENIMAT|i3N of NOVA FCT. The faculty associated with this Master's Degree develops research in "advanced" areas in the field of Materials Science and Engineering.


For whom

  • Candidates with bachelor's degree or legal equivalent in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering, Materials Engineering, Physics Engineering or Electrical Engineering. (Candidates with similar backgrounds will be evaluated based on their CV and professional experience);
  • Candidates with higher academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized, in those areas, in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
  • Candidates with higher academic degree, in those areas, which is recognized as meeting the objectives of the bachelor's degree by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science and Technology – NOVA FCT;
  • Candidates with an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized as attesting to the ability to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science and Technology – NOVA FCT (upon proposal of the Scientific Committee of the cycle of studies).

Career opportunities

  • Energy Sector
  • Consulting & Services
  • Extractive Industry
  • Manufacturing Industry
  • Biomaterials & Medical Devices
  • Research
  • Education


Cláudia Ranito

CEO and Founder of Medbone

"The Master's Degree in Materials Engineering at NOVA FCT was the most important choice of my career. It allowed me to start my own company where we develop biomaterials that make a difference in people's lives. Our products are applied in the field of orthopedics, dentistry and veterinary, and are already being marketed in 96 countries. This reality was only possible thanks to the right choice of the Master's Degree at NOVA FCT".

Anterior Próximo

About the Department of Materials Science

The Department of Materials Science (DCM) of NOVA FCT has unique laboratory infrastructures in Portugal, internationally recognized, which, together with the excellent teaching for which we strive, have allowed us to train Materials Engineers with high scientific and technical quality.

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